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How it works

It’s all pretty straightforward really. Choose your destination and have a read of our teaser descriptions. Choose the three books that take your fancy and then sit back and wait for them to arrive in our rather lovely and handy cotton bag. And if that wasn’t enough, bookmarks are included too. If you don’t really mind and like the sound of all of them, just select ‘surprise me’, and, we will do the choosing. If it’s just one book for a weekend away then select from our ‘One for the Weekend’ option.

If you select the “surprise me” option, but know that you have read something set in that location, then please note that in the additional information box and, if it’s in our collection we will make sure we don’t send you another copy (unless you want us to). If there’s anything else you think might be helpful for us to know when making our choices for you – what you like to read, last book you really enjoyed , hobbies and interests etc – or if you are buying a collection as a gift, then that’s also the place to make a note. We can send the gift directly to the lucky recipient, or to you so that you can personalise the enclosed giftcard.